Thursday, October 4, 2012

Crisp nights and clear days! Must be Heaven!

 The moon was still high in the sky as I got up.
 Mount Rainier was gorgeous!
The woodpecker was sneaking up on the feeders!
 The Jays came to collect the peanuts in the bright sunshine.
 As night drew on Mount Rainier was still spectacularly visible though there were clouds above.
 Getting close to the end of cut roses from my own garden this year.

 Pretty dramatic sunset from two vantage points.
 Yesterday we went down to the river and Nicole decided she just had to jump in!  Still pretty cold, pretty quick, but too fun not to do!
 Joseph is too cool.
Last night, the Olympics from my office window.  All in all a gorgeous beginning to October.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

End of September and End of Maple

 Notice he is very careful to tie a rope around the chain saw.
 Notice no matching rope around him?!!  Both hands on the saw
 Extend the arm and only one hand on the saw, but on the plus side there is one hand on the ladder.
 It came down as hoped, and where without any trauma to human life!  Except for nerves.  Very glad when that part was done!

 Limbs had to be taken off and mess cleaned up.

 Tree was finished off by sections.

 The blueprint for a chair for little people!

 Absolutely no drama from Jeff!  :)
Rebecca helped me plant some snapdragons in the front of the yard.
No drama here, either!
 Really had enough pictures taken of her, so she decided that Grandma needed proof that she was done!
 Lindsey came over to have pictures taken in our yard before the prom.  She can share most of them, but this was my personal favorite.

After a busy Saturday  (Christy taught a class at the Stake RS shindig before the broadcast, then came over for Linds' pictures before going back to the dinner)  A great way to put September to rest!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Demise of top of maple

 We ate breakfast out on the porch on a very warm and comfortable Saturday morning.
 Notice the pull date on the milk is Aug 29- Saturday was Sept 8th!  (We did stop at the store that afternoon on the way home from the baptismal service and bought milk :)  )
 He ended up tying a rope to the back of the trusty truck and after sawing through the limb several times would pull with the truck.  Several climbs and pulls later he was successful.

 And he wondered why his legs were so shakey!!!
 Notice no rope is tied around his waist- but he insists he was very careful!

The rest of the maple will come down when he has the time.  More pictures to come later!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Another to add to the list of things that Jeff does that ...

 Do you think he is bonded and insured? 
 Notice the pick axe on the ground just in case he falls?  The ladder wasn't tall enough again.  Remember the swing in the field?  The two by four is bolted to the tree and the ladder is securely tied to the tree standing on the wood about two feet off the ground.

 This is the reason for getting the tree down in a timely manner.  Want to get it down before the house is finished next door.
Anyone want to move in next door to us?  We'll be real close!

A wonderful fall night

 Cleaned out a ton of iris in front of the eating nook window and planted some annuals there this year.  Love the Cosmos.  They come just high enough to see them out the window without blocking the view.
 A hummingbird coming for a last snack.

 Our fall crop of raspberries is actually better than the spring crop and it is just starting to come on.  Such a great bonus!