Thursday, October 4, 2012

Crisp nights and clear days! Must be Heaven!

 The moon was still high in the sky as I got up.
 Mount Rainier was gorgeous!
The woodpecker was sneaking up on the feeders!
 The Jays came to collect the peanuts in the bright sunshine.
 As night drew on Mount Rainier was still spectacularly visible though there were clouds above.
 Getting close to the end of cut roses from my own garden this year.

 Pretty dramatic sunset from two vantage points.
 Yesterday we went down to the river and Nicole decided she just had to jump in!  Still pretty cold, pretty quick, but too fun not to do!
 Joseph is too cool.
Last night, the Olympics from my office window.  All in all a gorgeous beginning to October.

1 comment:

Robert said...

Joseph looks like a little man.