Tuesday, February 16, 2010

February 2010

Camille and Nate were running down the stairs making Rebecca laugh.
And again!

Just to show the variety of birds I had that day. Three flickers, a woodpecker and a jay, plus some ever present mourning doves.
Today we went to the zoo. While at the penguin exhibit, we saw a great blue heron. I suppose it was waiting around for a spare fish that the penguins don't catch. By the way, it didn't rain the whole time we were at the zoo!
The boys found a huge anchor that we had a hard time pulling them away from.
The toucans through the fence. Don't know if it was protecting them or us!
We spent the last hour at the zoo at Zoomasium. The kids ran for the whole hour. Arielle decided to try her hand at balancing blocks.

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