Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Grandpa's slaves

We had the Anderson kids for a few days last week. We went to the zoo on Friday and took Nate with us! This at the petting zoo area.

Bug world is a very little exhibit, but one the boys especially like.
We hiked all over the zoo to get to this play area by bug world and the petting zoo. It seems to be a large replica of an ant tunnel that the kids love to play on.

Saturday it was a different story. The kids were in for a day of work! They are coming back from dumping a load of dirt that was dug out from under the house.

The three younger kids shoveled and helped with this project. Joseph shoveled like a trouper and then swept everything up after everyone was done.

What every girl needs to know before she can be entrusted with the John Deere!
Saturday afternoon we went to the local pool and Jeff was the center of action.

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