Sunday, May 16, 2010

May- Birds, blooms and a gorgeous sunset!

One perfect gardenia!
Five at once and so more to come!
One of the last of my lilacs. They have been great this year and if not for the rain would have lasted quite a bit longer.
The iris are in full force now. This was sitting in a vase in our kitchen and the light was hitting it helping to show off how fancy it is.
We can't seem to identify this hawk, but it has been coming for a couple of years.
Can't imagine why- but he seems to consider this spot one of his favorite fast food spots.
A stellar jay with a peanut in it's beak in flight.
Many evening grosbeaks. They are kamakaze fliers into my windows. Especially when the unknown hawk appears.
We have black headed gross beaks and woodpeckers and squirrels galore. We also have many other birds, but these were just recently outside my windows!
This was an outstanding sunset on the 5th of May. This picture doesn't do it justice, but you get the idea!

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