WE saw the Lincoln Memorial. They have the Gettysberg Address and his Second Inaugural Address on the walls up there. They are both amazing speeches.

We walked quite a ways along the Potomac. So many people bike, walk and run along there. Also, we saw several rowing teams out on the water.

Jess met us for burgers one night.

Laura didn't show up very well in the last picture, so this wonderful picture.

Another night Amol was able to come as well as Jess. We had a very fun evening getting to know about everyone!

We went to the Museum of American History (wrong name, maybe) before we went to the White House tour as they had lockers there to stache the things we couldn't take into the White House.

This was actually at the end of the tour.

I thought this was pretty funny when the helicopter took off it nearly blew us over!

The gardens at the White House are very pretty.

There were about as many newspeople as tourists!

You can't see this very well, but I had to include it. On our way out of the tour we went by a hawk that had caught a small squirrel. It wasn't going to lose it's bounty just because we walked by!
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