Thursday, July 14, 2011

Robert is 29! Not until Friday, though!

One of Jeff's Sunshine in the face pictures!
The fingers were often in the hair!
Blessing Day.

1st Birthday!
He came as a happy spirit.
One of our visits to Auntie's when Jeff's folks were there!
Nice to have a couple of pictures with Grandma Brown in them.
Suz and Rob. Suzie's Strawberry Shortcake sheets!
Mist and Robert. Kind of eery. The dug up and not developed yard for our last house!
Caramel Apples on the fence!
Must grow artichokes again!

Suz took this picture and said it was the face to make Grandma Heinz laugh! (1987)
Robert on the watermelon! The boys, Lee Ann and me.
The old house in process. "Once upon a time"
The famous Board Walk!
If we weren't visiting Mom, she was visiting us!

Not far to Mom's house from here!

Who is tallest?

Crescent Bar. Lots of fun times there.

So much more has happened, but this gives you a good start! There was also, Hong Kong, a mission to L.A., a trip to Europe, a marriage in the Portland temple, another trip to Europe, a graduation from BYU-I, a graduation from GW in Washington, D.C. and now a professor back at BYU-I. I know I've left out lots! Lots more to come and hopefully it will balance heavily on the happy side!

1 comment:

Robert said...

Thanks, Mom. I especially liked that picture of me.