Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Fun at Ensign Ranch

What you can't see is the wind or the heat or all of the kind things that everyone did for everyone else! We certainly appreciate you all taking the time and cost to come and be with us for a few days! For us it felt a bit like what heaven will be like! Thanks to you all!!!
Russ and Kristin brought a soccer ball that was well used and greatly appreciated!

We scouted the place out on the first day. Nicole spotted a ground nest of hornets! The next day the kindly missionary men took care of that!

I think Jeff looks pretty limber, huh ?? Good job Camille!
The water slides were a great hit. We were glad we were there before the weekend crowd got there!

Rebecca liked to go through the sprinklers with Grandpa!

Rebecca thought it would be fun to be like the big kids and go on the slide, but then thought better of it!

Nate and Joseph were usually together somewhere.

The tubes were surprisingly durable! I have a great video of this event as well!
One day the slides were making us all nervous with an accident that happened, so we took off to see how the rope swing at the swimming beach would work.

Cousins had fun!
Rob and Laura brought their mitts and a ball. That also added immensely to our group activities! Lots of athletic folk!

Jeff always had a smile and lots of energy to keep things going!

The tents added a little privacy, but had to be cold and very noisy so close to the freeway. Thanks for being good sports! Lindsey was so good with all the kids. Here she is taking good care of Joseph. Must admit the soccer between these two was "interesting"! Lots of fun!
Having no one her age, Lindsey was a great sport! We're sure glad she was part of our group!

Everyone liked being close to Rob and Laura!
Thanks again to all of you! So glad we traveled safely and had such a wonderful few days!

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