Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Mike Heinz and visit to Mount Rainier

My cousin Mick Heinz was down in Bonney Lake for a visit with friends.  We drove down and stole him for the day!  Thanks Mick and thanks to your friends for sharing you for the day!
We went to Crystal Mountain first to ride the Gondolas up to the top and eat our picnic lunch.  Imagine our surprise when we read the sign that said the daily rides ended on the 17th ( LAST SATURDAY!).  From now on until sometime in October they run only on Saturdays and Sundays.
 So we went up to Sunrise on Mount  Rainier.  It was at 6400 feet elevation.

 These were some of the surrounding peaks.
 It was such a nice bright sunny day and all our pictures made us look backlit, but the mountain was fantastic!

 You can see only a few low clouds.  Not much to dampen our day!
 I love the indian paintbrush!
The few little clouds lifted to give us a fabulous view of Mount Adams!  All in all a great day and great visit!

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