Monday, September 26, 2011

Sunflowers and raspberries in September!

Ok, so we now also feed the pheasant.  It has decided this is a good fly through spot.  He seems almost more unaware of his surroundings then the mourning doves, so he may be an eagle's dinner some day!  He is strikingly pretty, though!

What could be more cheerful then sunflowers and raspberries on a cloudy autumn day?
 So, the blue jays are happily eating just feet away and this guy decides to take a nap on one leg over by the fence!  Shortly after that he walked over behind the rose bush and stood there.  Not thinking that is great camoflage!

Lavendar and birds!  Perfect!


Robert said...

Perhaps we shouldn't let the eagles get all the meat.

katbrown said...

The pheasant hasn't been back for a week or so. Guess someone or something else has beat us with that good idea! He sure was pretty is somewhat dense.

katbrown said...

Alert! The pheasant is back! It even flew up into the feeder and is feeding forever! So, no coyote or hawk or whatever has eaten it as yet!