Sunday, November 27, 2011

Before, During and After Thanksgiving

This is the field just to the right of the road.  It was so full of water that a bunch of trumpeter swans that had been flying over stopped and spent some time!

 Only took one picture of everyone on Thanksgiving.  So what they were doing at this particular time was how they were captured.  We had a wonderful day!

Kristin and Christy took over dividing everything up afterwards!  How nice to be banished from the kitchen.  Everyone took a part in doing the work, this was captured!
 Lindsey had made some artichoke dip that everyone enjoyed.

Today, when the tripod was obvious by it's lack, I looked up and saw this predator catching it's lunch!  He has been more successful and our feeder seems to be more and more empty!

Happy Holidays to all.  Such a nice beginning to this wonderful time of year!  So easy to feel thankful and grateful for each of you.  Those here and those not!

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