Saturday, November 5, 2011

Memories found

Deb found these and sent them to me in 2004.  I have been cleaning up my picture files and came across them again today.  Quite a few memories in here.  The first one is a bit of a sad one.  Note the date is Feb 1992.  Thought Camile might enjoy seeing her dad in a leg brace like she had last month!
These two were taken in August of 1969.  My dad wasn't excited that I was taking off to be married where he couldn't be, but loved me and sent me off.  I don't look it but I had already had a year of college.  Still look very young.

 In 1970 Deb graduated from High School and Mom, Dad and Deb came out to Seattle.  These two pictures were taken from the top of the Space Needle in 1970.  Seattle has changed a bit since then as have we all! (Actually, Deb didn't graduate in 1970- not until 1972- but they did come out here then)

 Suzie and Christy up our cherry tree.  1978 Looks like this is not long after Christy cut Suz' hair!
 Which is Suz and which is Russ?  Many people thought they were twins.
 Cute picture of Christy with my Christmas cactus in the back. Christmas 1983
 Another Christmas 1983- both Eric and Robert

 Two of Suzie Christmas 1983

 Russ and Robert Christmas 1983
 Spring of 1983.  Notice the porch isn't painted yet, but the hanging baskets are up!  Priorities...
 1984- Robert on Suzanne's back
 Christy and Russ Christmas of 1983.  Notice the perfectly clean floor!!! :)
 Russ jumping off sand at Sturgeon Bay July 1980.  I loved going back as often as I could.

 Russ asleep on the stair landing about 1977 or 1978 and yes the sleeper had feet.
 Stairsteps 1980- sorry Rob you aren't in this one!  :)

It has been a year or two since these were taken.  I am still so impressed, grateful and proud of my parents for throwing such a great reception for me even though this was a tough wedding for them.  Dad had always said he would be the "Best" man at my wedding.  Maybe this satisfied them in some small way as well.  I look forward to this coming February when my parents can be sealed together and I can be sealed to them!!!


Robert said...

I love the whitewalls (white stripes?) on that car. Things were classier then.

katbrown said...

It's funny you would notice those. It took a lot of SOS pads to clean those up!