Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving day in the snow!

Nicole was standing out by the bird feeders patiently waiting for a bird to come and eat out of her hands.
Guess they didn't come and she got tired!
Arielle is taking a liking to bows and arrows.
Looks like pretty good form to me!
Nicole decided the snow was packy enough that it needed to be played with!
I think the flash was too close to Christy, but still a great pic!
It's funny to take a picture out in the snow so that nothing shows up but the colors on the people!
Joseph was pretty persistent in sledding down our road. When he headed into the blackberries he'd have to jump off the moving sled before he got sliced!
It ended up being quite a long run!
Everyone got pretty comfy after dinner.
Lindsey was reading the Da Vinci Code.
Nicole persisted with the snow until she had a chair and foot stool along with two very large balls of snow.

After being out in the snow for quite some time the warmth of the woodstove was greatly appreciated.
Of course, the evening couldn't end without checking on what was going on with Facebook. The kids did very well not having more kids their own age here. All in all it was a very restful and warm and cozy day. We missed our extended family, but enjoyed being with the Andersons. Hope you are all well and happy and we look foward to seeing your pictures as well! :)

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