Friday, December 3, 2010

Happy Birthday Russell!

My favorite picture!
This has been on the wall and so has deteriorated. Still a cute baby!
I'm not sure if they were at the zoo or if Russ had a problem!
Cute snowman
Pretty fierce halloween outfit!
Mom's stone fireplace and memories of being in Michigan!
Chicken pox weren't very nice to Russell.
Notice that Eric was there trying to help blow out the candles!
What a great big brother he has always been!
Sunday dress
Russell has always been pretty careful not to get dirty!
what a long time ago

Not sure if he is a serious fisherman or just a bored fisherman.
Angel was never very far away when the kids were outside.
My hat! My Mom made.
I loved that Russell was in the band.
A cute picture of a not so happy time.
Mom came out to help so many times. Russ was a real trooper to finish the Eagle Award during this crazy time.
At Christy's reception.
I can't remember just what this was, but it was an important opportunity that Russ had in High School.
Flat water, early in the morning, Russ cruising and Mom with her heart in her throat!
Looks like Joseph Smith times.
Senior High graduation.
Well we got him graduated from high school. That was just the beginning of a wonderful life that has had and will yet have many opportunities to be at the top of the heap! We are sure proud of you Russ! Have a great day with many more to come.

1 comment:

Robert said...

Happy Birthday! (Said in Gus Gus' voice)