Saturday, February 12, 2011


Sometimes, the feeders are filled with birds. This time it is Grossbeaks.
Sometimes the hawk comes for a quick snack. Most of the times he goes away hungry, but sometimes he finds lunch!
A bald Eagle has come by hoping to find something. I figure he might like rabbits more than chickadees!
Sometimes the sunsets are just too spectacular not to try to capture!
Just found this picture that Mom had written on the back 1951, Kathy and Les Heinz.
I'm thinking that the two older kids were in school and Mom took me to meet Dad for a picnic lunch. It's not our yard- that is serious grass. Jeff liked the car a lot (as did Robert who photoshopped it to take away a strange spot - thanks!) If you enlarge the picture you can see a serious cowlick on the back of my head!


Robert said...

I want to see a hawk-eating-grossbeak picture soon.

Kristin B. said...

I agree with Robert.
But I also think that picture of you and your dad is frame worthy!