Saturday, December 25, 2010

2010 Christmas Eve

Gifts were opened starting with the youngest- much to Lindsey's chagrin! Stuffed animals are a big hit with this age! She even got onto the idea of opening gifts!

The boys got matching gifts and they hauled them around all night- up and down the stairs- and didn't play with them for fear of mixing or losing parts. Poor boys!
Rebecca took a liking to Eric. Nicole made her hat!
Nicole got stuffed animals that move. Guess the stuffed animal thing lasts for a bit!
Arielle got a swiss army knife.

Lindsey is going to have to go shopping for her gift! Good luck Lindsey!

Jeremy got a new shirt and pants- not tight black jeans this time! :)
One time that Camille wasn't right with Nicole.
One of the games that Eric got for the kids last year is still a big hit. Notice the boys have their boxes inseparably close.
Near the end of the night.
My little village is set up a little like Harbor Springs. However, the Catholic (white) church and big tree should be on the left of the city and the brown brick church (Methodist) should be on the right. Will fix that next year!
Merry Christmas!

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