Tuesday, January 17, 2012


I always get to start the new year out by being a year older!  This year I also began by being a part of the new world of IPad!  So many fun things to do!
 Nate had a hard time being serious!  How many times do we have pictures of boys at this age doing just this same thing?!!!
 Being 62 is made much easier and more fun by having such great family and kids so close by!
 Sunday night (8 Jan) came home from church and saw this glimpse of Mount Rainier as the sun set.  We got ready and left for Chelan!
 Leavenworth was all lit up for the holidays still!  So very pretty!
 The only place we saw snow at Chelan was up the road where we used to take the bikes and also go shooting.
 When we got home from Chelan, we saw this gorgeous sunset.
 This morning on my way out to feed the birds!  We are snowed in.  Looks like we will be for several days yet!
 You can see the string we put up to keep the deer out.
 My snowberry bushes are truly living up to their name!
 Just a few minutes ago.  It is snowing big fluffy flakes now.  The hummingbirds are still coming.  I'll try to catch them in action in a bit!
What I can see from my office window.  Jeff just went out to tap snow off branches and hopefully keep the branches from breaking!  It is pretty!

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