Sunday, February 5, 2012

Family is wonderful!

So, Russ' Camry had the clutch go bad last week.  He got the necessary parts and Jeff and Russ tore into it on Saturday morning (yesterday) at 5:30 AM.  At 8:30 they called Jeremy and woke him up.  He had gotten home from being in Philadelphia the previous night and didn't get to sleep until 1 am- which felt like 4 am after being on the east coast!  However, he came right over and they worked on the car for the rest of the day.  Jeff and I had to go to a baptism in Lynnwood (which is another story, but it was amazing) so we were gone for several hours.  Kristin had brought lunch over and they stopped briefly to eat a bit of lunch.  Christy and Lindsey had also been at the baptism as Lindsey sang (wish we had a recording to send off to you, she did an awesome job!).  Arielle and Joseph and Nicole had been here so they could be close to their dad as he had been gone all week, so Christy brought dinner over!  She had some wonderful salad and yummy soup that she shared with all of us.  The men mostly stayed in the garage and ate as they went.  Late last night the car was running with a new clutch and everyone was able to finally go home and clean up and sleep!  BIG thank you to Jeremy who stayed all day and provided the brains to this venture!  The garage was all cleaned up before everyone left and you would not know that so much had been done there yesterday!  Notice all the great smiles.  Family is wonderful!!!!

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