Friday, April 13, 2012

Day in the NW

 Any day that starts with a clear view of Mount Rainier is bound to be a good day!
 Lilacs getting ready to burst into bloom are a sure sign that yet another winter will soon be a memory and spring and summer will surely come!
 Our little Viburnum bushes are blooming this spring!  They smell so wonderful!
 The daylilies are making great progress.

 The Lilies of the Valley are starting up very good and multiplying yet again!
 Flowers blooming that were salvaged from a pot full of flowers a few summers ago!
 Many years ago my mother gave us a Forsythia bush on an anniversary.  It was way too big to make the move to this home.  This new little one is liking where it is!
 Rebecca got a driving lesson from Grandpa.
 Lunch required her own table and green soy milk!  Cheese and crackers and an apple were also OK.
 The Mickey Mouse fork is liked by yet another generation.
 The sunset was so spectacular.  Red sky at night...
Love to all of you!!!

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