Thursday, November 10, 2011

Some November fun!

 Reubens were the request.  Felt almost like old times fixing a birthday dinner!

 Jeff has bragging rights!  His first mole in several years!  We think he may have the right technique, now!
 Mount Rainier from the upstairs window.
 These two were also taken from the upstairs window.  Grossbeaks are usually here in March.  This year they have been way confused!

The princess spent a couple of hours with us while Kristin went shopping.  We've decided that as long as there are two adults willing to comply with her every wish she is perfectly happy!  :)
 We were very happy on Tuesday when Lindsey passed her driver's license test and came by to share the great news with us!!  We, by the way, have also reached a mile post in life as we have a granddaughter who is 16 and driving!

1 comment:

Robert said...

Those reubens look delicious.