Sunday, March 11, 2012

Snow in March!

Hopefully the last snow of the year.  It didn't last long, but it was very pretty.  Very fun to go out to feed the birds in the morning and have such a lovely sight!
 The trail down to collect wood at the wood pile.
 The smurf truck looks rather white!
 The house looks different with the large maple cut down in front!

 The daffodils are just starting to open even though I've cut several bouquets and they have opened in the house!

 The evening grossbeaks always come about Eric's birthday in March.
 Cedar kindling smells so very good!
 If you look closely you can see that the axe slipped out of Jeff's hands.  Luckily it didn't cut him on the way down.  Notice it hadn't touched the ground when the camera caught it!
 This is evidence of why the woodpeckers drill the bark on the trees.  Interesting that all that activity could take place just under the bark!
It did melt quickly.  We may have another dusting one morning this week.  Hope not.  The plum tree is getting ready to bloom!

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