Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Zoo in March

 The lion was actually doing something!
 The kids love each other and are very fun to be with!

 The place wasn't open for selling seeds, so she just used some crumbs she had!  Of course for her it worked!
 After I saw the Cookabura bird, I was singing the old song in my head the rest of the day!  :)
 They look rather kind I think!
 Jeff called this the five orangutans!
 Jeff thought you should see if you could tell which was the orangutan.  I thought Joseph was a very good sport to pose for this one!
 Joseph was enthralled with the map of the zoo and was having fun charting his course.  Arielle charted our path and we saw more of the zoo in one day than we have seen for a very long time!

This was in the petting zoo.  Not much else was!  We had an exellent time and our pass is good until the end of June!  Will be glad to go back anytime with whoever wants to go!

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