Thursday, May 31, 2012

Nyssa and Boise

We found an interesting little berg where we took this picture meant especially for the grandkids!

We first stopped in Weiser and picked up Aunt Florence, then we drove to Nyssa and visited with Aunt Phyllis and Aunt Florence.  We took them both back to the Sizzler restaurant in  Ontario (where we had a hotel the night before)  and ate, then did everything in reverse except this time we didn't stay and visit again at Aunt Phyllis' home!

Then we went on to Boise where we saw Eric and went to a lovely park not far from where he lives.  Lots of birds and some very big fish which I didn't capture on camera!

The next morning we went for a drive up to Table Rock, after stopping for a Subway sandwich and eating it on the run! There is a lovely housing area that you wind up through to get to a very high peak overlooking Boise.  On the way up the last bit of very steep, dirt road we met a large semi coming down the hill.  This was a trail really only big enough for one vehicle we thought.  We pulled off to the side as far as we could without going into the ditch and the truck (which was carrying a half dozen huge rocks) missed us by about a few inches!  The view was amazing on top of that hill!  Note the sign before we walked out to the top!

We drove Eric back home and took a few pictures of his dog Landit!

Then we were off to Rexburg!

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