Thursday, May 31, 2012

Rob and Laura at Yellowstone

Thursday morning we met Robert on Campus of BYU-I.  Laura was at the Rexburg temple where she is an ordinance worker.  When she got off at 10 we took off for Yellowstone Park!  After stopping to eat of course in Ashton, Idaho.

As you can tell from our clothing, it was a bit cool outside.

So much Sagebrush and you can see storms all along the horizon!

Robert will have to share the picture of how wonderful the roots of that downed tree looked. If that picture is ever made famous I will have documentation of being there when it was taken!  :)

We then drove on to Old Faithful to see it keep it's scheduled explosion!  We decided to watch it from inside the lodge as it was even colder there!

Yes, that was snow as we walked back to the car after Old Faithful blew.  The raven looked like a grandfather up close.  The picture doesn't do him justice!  We were stopped going out because a bunch of buffalo were crossing the street!  They had babies with them.  We also stopped at the Snake Bite in Idaho Falls!  A few (?) geese to end up our picture.

More pictures to come maybe Saturday.  We had such a great trip!

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