Friday, June 1, 2012

Carole and Carvel's family

We were delighted to spend an evening with Carole and Carvel and their family!  We had anticipated seeing only Carole and Carvel and were delighted to see all their children and grandchildren as well.  Steven and Amy are moving up our way next week and will be in Sammamish.  Ask me about the hummingbird!  :)  We left them and started driving for home.  We drove as far as Burly and decided to stop for the night before heading on home on Wednesday.  We stopped at Boise and took Eric and a friend to lunch, picked up an item in Nyssa for Dad Brown and made it home by 9 pm Wednesday night!  A busy and fun trip.   Will add some pictures of Jeff's chainsaw adventure tomorrow then I'm done posting for a bit!

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